Product Diversion Hurts Us and You!
Christina is dedicated to providing its clients with the best possible products, for this reason we work hard to fight diversion. Diversion is the sale of exclusive product lines by unauthorized resellers. In order to ensure optimal results, Christina products are only sold within the professional salon environment.
Diverted Products May Weaken Expected Results
Christina professional and home use products are specially formulated to provide clients with visible results. Each product is designed for a specific need and should only be used according to the instructions of a licensed salon professional. Aesthetic professionals are trained in the use of Christina products and understand their clients’ needs. A leading cause of bad skin is using the wrong skin care products, Christina training gives professionals the knowledge to make skin look and perform its best.
Diverted Products can be Dangerous
At Christina safety is our top priority and products sold outside of the intended channels of distribution risk the possibility of quality issues and safety concerns. Unauthorized products found in grocery stores, drug stores or on the internet can be outdated, discontinued, tampered with or counterfeit. The only way to guarantee that professional salon products are genuine is to buy them at a professional salon or beauty supply where Christina professional treatments are offered.
Diverted Products are not Cheaper
Products at unauthorized outlets can cost up to twice as much as those bought at a Christina authorized salon. Diverted products sell for more than legal products because they include more links in the supply chain. The only way to receive the best price and quality is to shop at authorized resellers.
Where Should I Purchase Christina Products?
Christina products should only be purchased at a professional salon, or beauty supply Christina professional treatments are performed. Or check out our distributors page and find a salon near you.
What can I do to Fight Diversion?
As a skin professional if a collector (diverter) contacts you report it to us, please call +972 3 752 4488 or email us at Any information you can provide will help us to combat this problem.
As a consumer, be sure to purchase professional skin products only from a professional salon.
Me encanta trabajar con las terapias faciales de Christina, grandes resultados sin perder el tiempo. Mis clientes (pacientes) aman su piel tras finalizar el tratamiento y siempre vuelven satisfechos. Solo tengo elogios para Christina. Que simplemente funciona, es totalmente cierto.
- JE.Torres Para | Medical Aesthetician
¡Una vez más, Christina ha combinado lo más avanzado en la tecnología de cuidado de la piel con ingredientes supremos! Este tratamiento transforma la piel hacia una apariencia más juvenil. ¡Feliz y emocionada de tener este tratamiento para mis clientes!
- Samantha Buel | Portland, OR United States
Gran tratamiento para todo tipo de piel. Ayuda a reparar los síntomas del envejecimiento, la hiperpigmentación, el acné y los daños relacionados con él. ¡Sencillamente funciona! ¡Me encanta y recomiendo encarecidamente el tratamiento a todos los que se preocupen por la piel!
- Olga Hays | Fort Wayne, IN United States